Every man remembered

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Art Direction
Creative Thinking

100th Anniversary of the outbreak of WW1 the campaign, the Royal British Legion wanted to commemorate every single brave soldiers who fought for us during WW1. At the time of i was on a discovery of my own, living and working in London finding out about my English heritage. The project was something i really wanted to put my heart and soul into this project


Project overview

The project began with a clear mission: to leverage technology to commemorate the fallen of WWI. The team collaborated with the Royal British Legion to design a platform that would serve as a digital cenotaph, offering a personal space for remembrance


Extensive research was conducted into the user demographic, which varied from history enthusiasts to school children and descendants of WWI veterans. User surveys and workshops helped identify key functionalities such as the ability to search for soldiers and to lay virtual poppies. Additionally, historical accuracy was paramount, necessitating a partnership with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission for reliable data.

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Design Challenges

Designing a user interface that was both emotionally resonant and functionally robust posed a significant challenge. The platform needed to cater to a diverse audience, ensuring ease of use for those less familiar with digital interfaces while providing depth for more experienced users.

Design Process

The design process was iterative, starting with low-fidelity wireframes that evolved into interactive prototypes. Regular user testing sessions informed the design decisions, ensuring that the narrative of remembrance was always at the forefront. The team faced the challenge of presenting a large database in a way that was easily navigable and personally meaningful.

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Wrap up


The resulting platform was a responsive web application that allowed users to explore an interactive map dotted with virtual poppies. Each poppy represented a soldier and could be “planted” by users along with a personal message. The application integrated social media sharing to extend the reach of individual stories of remembrance.


The campaign was a success, with over 340,164 soldiers remembered through the platform and donations totaling 1,710,000 GBP received. The initiative brought widespread recognition and was featured in various media outlets, significantly raising the profile of the Royal British Legion's commemorative efforts.

The project stood as a testament to the power of combining UX design with storytelling, creating a bridge between past and present, and offering a new way to engage with history through digital technology.