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Art Direction
Creative Thinking

Durex, traditionally known for its condoms, ventured into the digital space with an innovative product named "Fundawear." This initiative was sparked by the challenge of enhancing intimacy for long-distance relationships. Durex aimed to bridge the physical gap between partners through a technology that enables touch over the internet, facilitated by a dedicated iPhone application.


Project Overview

The Fundawear project was conceived to elevate Durex's brand presence against the market leader Ansell by tapping into a niche yet universal need: the desire for intimate connection in long-distance relationships. The vision was to create a product that allowed physical touch to be transferred over the internet.


Research began with understanding the dynamics of long-distance relationships, the psychological impact of physical touch, and the technological feasibility of transmitting touch through apparel. This involved surveys, focus groups, and consultations with technology developers and relationship psychologists.

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Design challenges

The primary design challenge was integrating technology with intimate apparel in a way that was unobtrusive, user-friendly, and genuinely conveyed the sensation of touch. The team had to ensure the design was intuitive and the connection process via the app was seamless.

Design Process

The design process was heavily user-centered. Prototypes were created to test the tactile sensation's responsiveness and the app's interface. Iterations focused on simplifying the app design for ease of connection and ensuring the underwear was comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

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Wrap up


The solution was a dual-component product: a line of "Fundawear" garments with embedded sensors and a corresponding mobile application. The garments were designed with hotspots that, when touched on the app's interface, would cause the sensors to vibrate in the partner's Fundawear, simulating the sensation of touch.


The Fundawear project resulted in a significant buzz for Durex, with high engagement on social media platforms and extensive media coverage. The campaign was successful in positioning Durex as an innovative brand willing to explore new markets. It showcased the potential of integrating technology with human intimacy, opening up new avenues for product development in personal care and relationship enhancement.


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